Operational security (OPSEC) is a process that organizations deploy to prevent sensitive information from getting into the wrong hands. OPSEC identifies actions that may seem innocuous but could inadvertently result in critical or sensitive data being revealed or leaked to a potential attacker.


    A Control is there to Protect the core Values of the CIA Triad.

    (Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability)

    Access control involves limiting what objects are available to what users according to a set of rules.


    Digital security is the collective term that describes the resources employed to protect your online identity, data, and other assets. These tools include web services, antivirus software, smartphone SIM cards, biometrics, and secured personal devices.


    Cryptography in computer network security is the process of protecting sensitive information from unauthorized access when it is at rest or in transit by rendering it unreadable without a key. Leveraging encryption, cryptography helps users secure data transmission over networks, ensuring that only individuals with designated keys can access encrypted data.


    Vulnerability management is the ongoing, regular process of identifying, assessing, reporting on, managing and remediating cyber vulnerabilities across endpoints, workloads, and systems.


    “The practice of designing computer systems to achieve security goals.“


    Application security describes security measures at the application level that aim to prevent data or code within the app from being stolen or hijacked. It encompasses the security considerations that happen during application development and design, but it also involves systems and approaches to protect apps after they get deployed.


    Password protection is an access control technique that helps keep important data safe from hackers by ensuring it can only be accessed with the right credentials.