• Network Topology

    Network switches are used to connect computers and servers into a single network. The switch performs the function of a controller and allows the devices within a network to communicate with each other.

  • IPTables

    IP Tables is a firewall program for Linux. It will monitor traffic from and to your server using tables. These tables contain sets of rules, called chains, that will filter incoming and outgoing data packets.

  • PCAP

    PCAP files are data files created using a program. These files contain packet data of a network and are used to analyze the network characteristics. They also contribute to controlling the network traffic and determining network status.

  • OSI Model

    The OSI (Open System Interconnection) model is a conceptual framework that describes how networking systems function. The OSI model uses seven different layers to visualize the operation of a networking system.

  • TCP

    Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a standard that defines how to establish and maintain a network conversation by which applications can exchange data. TCP works with the Internet Protocol (IP), which defines how computers send packets of data to each other.

  • BGP

    The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is the protocol used throughout the Internet to exchange routing information between networks. It is the language spoken by routers on the Internet to determine how packets can be sent from one router to another to reach their final destination.