Privacy in Digital security is the collective term that describes the resources employed to protect your online identity, data, and other assets. These tools include web services, antivirus software, smartphone SIM cards, biometrics, and secured personal devices.
"Privacy is the right of an individual to control the distribution of information about themselves."
While Security and Privacy both focus on the protection of personal and sensitive data, there is a difference between them. There are several laws that define privacy and data protection, which periodically change.
Ensuring that protective security measures are in place is not enough to meet privacy regulations or to protect a company from incurring penalties or fines from mishandling, misuse, or improper protection of personal or private information.
European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) applies to all organizations, foreign or domestic, doing business in the EU or any persons in the EU.
As a member of an organization's Cyber Security or Data protection team, you will not be required to interpret these laws, but you will need an understanding of how they apply to your organization.